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Charter & By-Laws

Article I – Name


Iron Tree Blooming: Elon University’s Zen Meditation Society


Article II – Purpose


To provide Elon University students, faculty, staff and the outside community an opportunity to learn about and practice Buddhist mediation. Though the group was founded and is grounded in the Rinzai Zen tradition in affiliation with the North Carolina Zen Center, we Encourage the exploration of all Buddhist traditions.


Article III - Membership


Section 1: Eligibility


Membership in Iron-Tree Blooming is open to all students, faculty, and staff of Elon University.


Section 2: Good Standing


Attending at least one sitting qualifies an individual to be a member of Iron Tree Blooming. A member must have attended at least four sits to be eligible to vote.


Article IV - Governance


Section 1 – Officer Positions and Duties


 A. President:


- Commitment

- Displays a commitment to Iron Tree Blooming and to its ongoing future

- Is devoted to their meditation practice

- Is comfortable talking about Buddhist meditation traditions to the group

-The President should be able to serve for both semesters they are elected for


- Preparation

- Meets with the advisor once or twice a month to ensure the club continues to progress and develop in    a positive manner

- Holds a meeting with the advisor and officers at the beginning of each semester to plan for the                upcoming year

- Promotes one or two special events per semester with the advisor

   i.e. The annual Earth Day sitting in April

- Plans on how the club will utilize its funds for the year

- Reserves rooms for meetings and events

- Weekly

- Prepares for and presides at all club meetings

   i.e. bring readings and/or lessons to share with the group

- Communicates information of weekly meetings and other events to members

- Represents the group at all multi-faith gatherings

- Stays in communication with the Truitt Center to keep them updated with all things related to the club

- Manages the Moodle page for Iron Tree Blooming

- Updates the member listserve on Moodle weekly


- Transition of Presidents

- Initiates the next president into the position and helps him or her get acquainted with the new role 


B. Vice President:


- Displays a commitment to Iron Tree Blooming and to its ongoing future-

- Meets with the President and Advisor at the beginning of each semester to plan for the upcoming year

          -The Vice President should be able to serve for both semesters they are elected for

          - The Vice President is responsible for creating all club publicity on the Iron Tree Blooming Facebook/other       social media websites used like e-net and Phoenix connect

          -the Vice President will be in charge of creating all Iron Tree Blooming flyers, posters, etc for the Organization Fair and other related events.

          -The Vice president will substitute as leader for ITB meeting if the president is unable to attend.

          -Initiates the next Vice President into the position and help get him or her

acquainted with their new roles


C. Treasurer:


-The Treasurer should be able to serve for both semesters they are elected for

- Displays a commitment to Iron Tree Blooming and to its ongoing future

- Meets with the President and Advisor at the beginning of each semester to plan for the upcoming year

- Prepares with the President on how the club will utilize its funds for the year with input from members

- Attends all finance meetings held by the Student Government Association

- Orders needed supplies after receiving approval from President

- Keeps itemized records of receipts and disbursements

- Prepares all financial statements and budget requests in accordance with Student Government Association          rules and regulations

- Presents a memorandum summarizing the financial position of the society to the members at the end of each    semester

- Initiates the next Treasurer into the position and help get him or her acquainted with their new roles


Section 2: Officer Elections


  • The advisor should solicit nominations over the group listserve for officer positions the first week of October. Anyone can nominate an officer as long as the nominee has agreed to be nominated. Self-nominations are encouraged. The call for nominations will include the duties of each officer position.

  • The week following nominations the advisor should email the slate of nominees over the group listserve and candidates should be given an opportunity that week to electronically, and/or in person, make statements to forward their candidacy. The week following fall break, the advisor will announce elections taking place at the next meeting.

  • The election shall be conducted by secret ballot of those members eligible to vote. If a voting member cannot be present, he or she must send an email vote to the advisor in advance of the meeting. At the meeting after a secret written ballot takes place, with a staff member of the multi-faith center present, the advisor and staff member will privately tally the ballots, and the majority winner will be announced in person and over the group listserve.

  • In the case of more than two nominees for a position, the nominees with the top two numbers of votes will have a run-off election.


Section 3: Term Of Office


  • The term of office shall be one year, beginning January 1st.


Section 4: Vacancies in Officer Positions before term is completed.


  • Upon a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President and perform all presidential functions as stated in Article IV, Section 1, subsection A.

  • A vacancy in any other officer position shall be filled by a special election conducted within two meetings following the occurrence of the vacancy. Upon the absence of a candidate to fill the vacancy, the President shall assume the functions and duties of such office unless and until a candidate shall be proposed and elected for such office.

  • Upon a vacancy in the office of the Advisor, the current Advisor shall seek a replacement to assume the duties of the office as stated in Article VII, Section 2 Duties.


Section 5: Removal of Members and Officers


 A. Removal of Members


The following are reasons for initiating removal proceedings:

- Regularly engaging in flagrantly disrespectful behavior towards the group.

- Violations of regulations set forth in the Elon University Student Handbook.


 B. Reasons for Removal of Officers


The following are reasons for initiating removal proceedings:

- Regularly engaging in flagrantly disrespectful behavior towards the group.

- Failure to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of his/her office as defined in this charter and its by-          laws.


 C. Procedure for Removal of Members and Officers


- Any member in good standing with the society may bring charges against another member or officer by            presenting their concerns to the President.

- The accused member or officer must be notified by the President of the reason for the proposed removal in        advance of the meeting to consider removal.

- In the event that the officer proposed to be removed is the President, the concerns referred to in Sentence - - One of this “Procedure for Removal of Members and Officers” section shall be presented to the Treasurer who    shall notify the President of the reason for the proposed removal.

- The accused member or officer will be given the opportunity to challenge the proposed removal at the                meeting prior to any vote on his/her continued membership and/or removal from office.

- To revoke membership or to remove an officer from his/her position, a two-thirds vote of the eligible voters      then in attendance is required. The Advisor must be present at any such meeting.


Article V - Meetings


Section 1:  Regular Meetings


Iron Tree Blooming will meet weekly during the academic year. The president shall notify members of any changes in date, location, or timing of the meetings.


Section 2: Official Meetings


The President, the Vice President, and Treasurer are required to attend all mandatory Student Government Association meetings and submit all mandatory SGA documents in a timely fashion.


Section 3: Quorum and Voting


In order to conduct business, 50% of members currently deemed active by the President and Advisor must be present. In the event of a tie, the advisor will serve as a tiebreaker.


Article VI - Finances


Section 1: SGA Funds


The club will request funding from the SGA each spring to support club activities for the following academic year.


Section 2: Fund-Raisers


All members are encouraged to participate in any fund-raiser for the year.


Article VII - Advisor


Section 1: Advisor Selection


  • A faculty advisor shall be selected at the same time as annual officer elections and in the same manner with the exception that the president serves in place of the advisor.

  • In order to be nominated, the proposed advisor should have an established background in a Buddhist tradition, or some related meditative practice. In addition, they should have displayed a commitment to Iron Tree Blooming in the past.


Section 2: Duties


  • The faculty advisor shall be charged with working with the officers and members to advance the mission of the group.

  • In that capacity the advisor is expected to:

- Frequently attend weekly sittings/meetings

- Meet once or twice a month with the President

- Ensure the bylaws are upheld

- Offer guidance on meditation practice

- Represent the group at official multi-faith functions as needed

- Fulfill the responsibilities of advisors as required by the University, such as in attending advisor meetings and    signing paperwork.


Article VIII - Amendments


Section 1: Presenting Amendments 


Proposed amendments to this charter and by-laws shall be presented at least one week before voting. These amendments must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote.





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